Blending Traditions and Innovations: A Musical Collaboration with Jonas Matusevičius
2024 / 02 / 25
I'm thrilled to share a glimpse into a recent collaboration that has broadened my musical horizons. I had the privilege of working with the talented artist Jonas Matusevičius, known for his music brand "Palmės žiedas," on a track for his latest album "Juodapurvio kaimas." Jonas's attention to detail and sound precision brought a new depth to our creative process, allowing us to explore and integrate elements of folk, electronic, and rock music into this new collaborative composition work.
This cooperation marked Jonas's latest venture in the VMU studio, where we had the opportunity to record with our fellow colleagues from the Music Academy of Vytautas Magnus University (VMU). Thanks to Daiva Bukantaitė and Dominykas Šimonis who helped to arrange that.
The track "Mėlynasis smaragdas" (The Blue Emerald) not only showcases the rich textures of the trumpet (Simona Bazytė), trombone (Arnas Čebanauskas), violin (Giedrė Surdokaitė), and clarinet but also features recordings of our voices, adding an additional personal touch to the piece.
As Jonas has graduated from our program, we eagerly anticipate his return as an alumnus. We're hopeful that this collaboration is just the beginning of many more innovative projects between VMU and him in the future.
The photo attached captures a moment from our meeting at the Vilnius Book Fair in February, a testament to the enduring connections and creative partnerships that our academic community continues to foster.
Stay tuned for more updates on this exciting journey into the fusion of musical genres and the exploration of new artistic collaborations! And yes, the album will launch soon on all major distribution platforms!