Empowering Pianists: Navigating Business and Freelancing in the Arts - Insights from the Klaipeda Piano Masters Lecture
2023 / 07 / 31
It has been a pleasure to speak in front of this amazing audience of pianists about what it takes to run a business in the arts and be a freelancer. Thank you Klaipeda Piano Masters for the cordial invitation to come with this lecture and insightful discussions afterwards. We have 21st century techniques available for us to be efficient and focused in the challenges of multi-tasking, multi-project business environments. I was privileged to share the key concepts that worked in my practice over the years like approach to marketing, time management, legal aspects of the music business, and motivation. Among those tips and hints, I would focus on the one - take action now. Take a small step towards your dream: whether it is a project proposal, composition, job seeking, concert program by sending an email offer, searching and understanding the customer's requirements, building your profile, etc.. If we commit to do it at least 15 minutes a day, the miracles happen in months by its accumulative power. A good question from the audience came "how do we know we are going to succeed?". Well, we will succeed 100%, because at least we will know the answer if this was the correct direction to take. We will have peace in our hearts, because we tried and collected our answers. So many times this remains to be a "wish-dream", and so much energy is lost in dreaming without doing... Another counter argument was given that sometimes it is so difficult to leave the comfort zone, or simply impossible financially and logistically. I have to admit there is no one correct answer for everyone, but we all can find 15 minutes every day to commit to something that is genuinely important for us from a life perspective. That is what most of us can invest in our busy daily lives, can't we? I am sure with this practice discipline grows and more commitment brings more opportunities. That has been proven many times, including in arts.