New PR consultant at Titasmusic!
2005 / 09 / welcomes Irma Astrauskaite, who will be in charge of public relations and promotion of Titas music.
Irma is doing her master studies in Public Communication at Vytautas Magnus University (Lithuania). Currently she is an exchange student at Dortmund University (Germany), where she is focusing on on-line journalism and multimedia studies. In addition to that, she is doing a research on development of electronic music and its trends in Europe.
Irma has worked for a couple newspapers and radio station. Since 2005 she is a member of “Theodor Heuss Kolleg” and is engaged with an international educational project “Communication and Creativity make you move!”. She has international experience in journalism, contemporary media and public relations in the global environment.
At, Irma will be mainly focusing at the promotion of Titas music and attracting the people to the news of the composer’s life. She is a valuable input in the developing not only Titas international audience, but also the name of Lithuanian electronic music on global scale.
Please welcome Irma to our community! You can contact her directly at:
E-mail: irma @ (anti spam: no spaces before and after @ sign)
Mobile: +491 762 748 2910