The quest for forgotten gold in "12 chairs" (Directed by Algis Ramanauskas)

2016 / 12 / 20
Lithuanian 12 Chairs

A former NKVD officer and an opportunist become partners in search of hidden KGB treasures, which causes a clash between stale past Soviet times and new Lithuania.

The story of 12 Chairs by Ilf and Petrov takes a Lithuanian twist. Stasys Baltakis and Algis Ramanauskas joined efforts to produce a contemporary Lithuanian interpretation of the adventurous undertakings of Ostap Bender. The story takes to nowadays Lithuania, and  Ostap Bender is on the search to find the missing treasure hidden by  the Soviet nomenclature. Among the songs from the 1970s that organically interweave in the post-Soviet mentality of the characters, there is a significant portion of the original score. Contrary to what usually happens in comedies, the film score goes for contextualization of the story, and it is based on whole-tone system -  popular style among the Russian composers in 1930s (similar years of the original story by Ilf and Petrov). The whole-tone music gives a 'floating mystery' feeling with unresolving harmonies and ambiguity, as if those missing diamonds that are about to be found each time by the opportunists. 

The completion of the score involved big band (the Lithuanian·Armed Forces Orchestra  big band directed by Ricardas Ciupkovas) and Vilnius String Symphonic  Orchestra (directed by Tadas Sileika), soloists (Ruta Sciogolevaite, Juste Starinskaite, Rafailas Karpis, Rasa Juzukonyte, Kristina Zebrauskaite, and others). Recording engineers Dainius Kazilionis and Arunas Zujus.

More information in Internet

1.  IMDB site of the film 12 Chairs

2. The original website of the film